...where every child shines!
In keeping with the traditions of the Presentation Sisters, every child shines with the light of the Catholic faith through service, self-discipline, and academic excellence.
VIRTUS Training
ALL adults who would like to volunteer at some time during the school year are required to be VIRTUS trained. This includes attending class parties, chaperoning field trips, etc.
This training will be offered at Sacred Heart School periodically. Please check with Mrs. Guy in the front office for more information.
Please visit the website: virtusonline.org to register.
S.T.E.M. Day
The students at Sacred Heart School enjoyed an exciting day filled with hands-on experiences at the Museum of Aviation learning about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
Earth Day
Each year, the students at Sacred Heart join forces to spruce up the grounds. We pair up with our prayer partners to pick weeds, plant new flowers, and water the gardens around the school. We take pride in the appearance of our campus.
Confirmation is one of the seven sacraments in which Catholics are sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The eighth graders at Sacred Heart welcomed Bishop Gregory Hartmayer for this special sacrament.
First Communion Mass
First Holy Communion is the second Sacrament of Initiation. The second graders at Sacred Heart can now fully participate in the mass by recieving the body and blood of Jesus.